Church of Acts | Live The Bible WebsiteChurch of Acts | Live The Bible Website

About Us

About Us

Marc and Cindy Carrier with their eleven children served as missionaries in Kenya and Uganda for nine years. Self-funded, they pioneered a mission in a rural village without electricity or any creature comforts. They faced much hostility from all sides, yet persevered making hundreds of disciples and planting dozens of house churches. The mission continues to this day, now led by indigenous saints, evangelizing the lost, making disciples, and meeting in home fellowships. The mission they founded also continues assisting the rural African poor though medical missions and feeding programs. You can learn more about the ongoing mission at

Marc and Cindy were launched into ministry through numerous divine interventions occurring during their early marriage. After the miraculous healing of his son, Marc escaped corporate America where he once served as a Program and Project Manager for the oil companies having been trained as a hydrogeologist and geophysicist. From there, he became committed to evangelism. The journey ultimately led to house church planting, and then foreign missions. In the mission field the Carriers were confronted with forces far beyond their abilities, and God intervened by activating gifts that evened the playing field. Since activation of these gifts, the Carriers have assisted hundreds of others through their deliverance, healing, and emotional healing ministry.

During their ministry journey, the Carriers have become prolific authors, having written about twenty books. They have set out to bless everyone with every insight and blessing the Lord has provided them. Their belief is that there are no special people, but just ordinary people serving an awesome God. They aim to impart every bit of wisdom, faith, and experience in others to strengthen the army serving the kingdom of God, all for God’s glory.

About Us

The Carrier family returned to America in 2021 and continue the work of evangelism, discipleship, and house church planting. Upon returning to America, they established a family business ( for their ongoing support and built a house in rural Kentucky. During that time two home fellowships were established in Indiana and Kentucky/Tennessee. After settling into their new Kentucky home, the Lord prompted Marc to pioneer a Kenya-style mission here stateside. That prompting was the impetus for this website, to inform, equip, and mobilize the American saints towards fruitful and effective kingdom expansion here in America.

Now living and serving God in rural Kentucky, the Carriers have graduated five children from their homeschool, married off their two oldest, and are blessed to see all their children embrace their love for God. The Carriers are still engaged in all aspects of front-line ministry and personal discipleship ministry. They also freely host Christianity Arising Conferences a few times per year to free, empower, and equip the saints towards kingdom service. They are blessed to continue to see God heal, deliver, and emotionally heal many they are blessed to serve. Glory to God!

Marc Carrier Testimony

Marc Carrier Testimony - Tennessee
Marc Carrier Testimony - Pennsylvania

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