Ante-Nicene Concordance | Live The Bible Website Church of Acts | Live The Bible Website

A Concordance of Ante-Nicene Writings

A Concordance of Ante-Nicene Writings

Author: compiled by Brian Gray

The writings of the Early Church fathers are significant because they give us a glimpse into the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Their insight is valuable because many of these men were trained by the Apostles, and their native tongue was the Greek of the New Testament. They valiantly contended for the faith and a number died as martyrs, sealing their testimony with their blood.

The Ante-Nicene fathers emphasize that the Scriptures can be taken at face value, and that Jesus’ teachings are supreme and authoritative. Although some of their views seemingly conflict with modern teachings, their thoughts are not tarnished by centuries of theological theory and dispute. Their writings give us insight into what Kingdom Christianity once was, and what it can be again, if we would just return to the simplicity of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.