Christian Family Life | Live The Bible Website Church of Acts | Live The Bible Website

Christian Family Life

Relationships are central to God’s economy. God created us to be in relationship with Him and desires us to be in relationship with one another. He established the marriage relationship because He knew we were incomplete alone (Genesis 2:18). Our marriage relationship represents Christ’s union with His bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:31-32). The family unit is the product of that union. The Church being a family of families also reproduces and is known for their love for one another (John 13:35).

A healthy church should produce healthy disciples with healthy marriages and healthy families. The home fellowship model fosters authentic relationships, and personal engagement, making it possible to recognize and address the personal needs within the body. The interactive participatory service likewise permits the Holy Spirit to speak timely and relevant teachings, testimonies, and revelations to minister to real needs.

The kingdom of God is a free will enterprise. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and does not force His will upon anyone. Nor can ministers in the church, husbands, or parents force those under their watch to perform with lasting fruit. Coercion and control can only result in temporary outward conformance, yet hidden rejection, rebellion, apathy, or disdain will accompany such leadership styles. Godly leadership instead encourages through truth and persuasion, leveraging loving relationships to influence those around them. Modeling the life one desires for others to choose, absent hypocrisy, and demonstrating the blessing and fruit therein, is the only hope of developing those who willfully follow their lead. And the right to persuade is only earned through authentic relationships.

The fruit of humility, patience, and perseverance, while engendering healthy communication and demonstrations of love, will win the day in establishing healthy relationships. Without godly relationships, regardless of any perceived worldly metrics of success, life is devoid of peace and joy. Yet we can only get out of relationships what we put into them. Through consistency and patience, and regular prayers, we can achieve the relationships for which we all long.

For more information and resources about family life and homeschooling, visit the website of Marc and Cindy Carrier If you desire to host a seminar on family life presented by the Carriers, visit the Contact Us page.

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