Christianity Arising | Live The Bible Website Church of Acts | Live The Bible Website

Christianity Arising

Book: Christianity Arising

Author: Marc Carrier

Christianity Arising was born from a conference that is designed to lift Christians from bondage on to victorious and abundant living, for Christ. The over-arching theme is out with the old and in with the new, leading to activation in fruitful ministry. Designed to be read with a group, each chapter includes practical exercises for processing, discussion, and prayer. The sessions include: knowing God, surrender, repentance, deliverance, emotional healing, personal identity, the gift of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, prayer, Scripture, discipleship, front-line ministry, and intentional living.

The journey is not just informational, but transformational. In the end, participants are equipped to take others on a journey to freedom that includes repentance, emotional healing, renewing of the mind, and more.

Marc Carrier is a former missionary to Kenya, where for nine years he focused on making disciples (not just converts), and lived out the content of Christianity Arising. His goal is not just to equip believers to live victorious and abundant lives, but to mobilize them to help others do the same.