Pioneering the Kingdom | Live The Bible Website Church of Acts | Live The Bible Website

Pioneering the Kingdom

Book: Pioneering the Kingdom

Author: Marc Carrier

Despite centuries of innovation, it is time we return to the apostolic pattern for missions. Years of man-made traditions have obscured the missionary methods clearly outlined by Jesus and put into practice by the apostle Paul. Join Marc Carrier on an adventure in East Africa as he shares his experiences in putting this apostolic pattern into practice. In “Pioneering the Kingdom,” you’ll share in Marc’s struggles and successes on the mission field, glean from missionary “best practices,” and delve into the Scriptures themselves. You’ll be introduced to the tools and techniques that have proven effective for many field practitioners at home and abroad. In the end, you, too, can be equipped to launch a sustainable, reproducible mission. From the Foreword by Glenn Roseberry, missionary in East Africa: “Oh, to have had this from the start! What a treasure it would have been to have known what Marc knows now. ‘Pioneering the Kingdom’ contains the stories, the practices and the tools of a successful disciple-maker. I know this because I am being discipled by Marc. I am applying these methods. I have disciples that are making disciples. Not theories, not buzz words. Real multi-generational reproduction. Real Kingdom expansion. It is the book I always needed and wanted. I pray you read it. I pray you use it. I pray you are never the same. We are still learning. Still adapting and still growing. I hope you join us in expanding the Kingdom of God.'”